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Parts Ahead, Don’t Fall Behind

A major change is occurring in the industry

The continuous increase of technological advancements within the electronics industry has elevated the urgency for new and innovative PC boards. As a result, we are seeing an increase in the level of competition among vendors. This increase has put pressure on electronics companies to speed up their output while still maintaining a level of reliability. Consequently, engineers are feeling the pressure to keep up with the latest trends with the overarching expectations that products should be available immediately. PCB designers have turned to CAD software tools as a way to elevate the stress of making short deadlines and decrease the number of product re-spins. Without the aid of CAD software tools, companies would not be able to compete in today’s fast pace society. 

There will be winners and losers 

As the electronics industry continues to evolve it has become a highly fragmented market. Vendors have redirected their focus on acquiring smaller vendors as a way to help increase their market shares. Key market players have adopted partnerships and mergers as a way of surviving in this ever increasing dog-eat-dog world. No modern electronics company can survive today without utilizing computer-based tools to accelerated their design process.

Prior to the 1980’s circuit board design was done by hand. Before long, when major innovators began to emerge in the industry, computer-aided-design (CAD) software was introduced to speed up the time to market. Companies that refused to adopt CAD software ultimately fell behind while adopters of CAD software became industry leaders. Now that CAD software is widely used, designers are looking for new ways to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors by getting to market more quickly. Up until now, PCB designers have relied on part editors to create the parts they need for their boards. This, as you are probably already aware, is a very time-consuming process, and has grown exponentially as the number and size of parts continue to increase. Add-ons and additional CAD tools have been developed to propel designers forward, providing them with the elements necessary to beat their competitors to market.

Be on the winning side with Ultra Librarian 

Access to pre-built component information and software editing tools has the potential to save your company hours of time in the electronic design process. By providing a single source for symbols, footprint, and 3D model, Ultra Librarian® reduces the amount of time searching for the component information you need. Feel confident in your part selections and component data, and quickly move forward with your design process.

Ultra Librarian online access is an innovative solution to the issues associated with searching for and implementing CAD library parts. With access to over 8 million components and counting, Ultra Librarian is your number one choice for symbols, footprints, and 3D models. All of the part information found in the library has been built with IPC and ANSI standards in mind to bring you the latest and most reliable data. Symbol, footprint, and 3D model data are automatically linked so that netlistings and 3D rendering correctly associate the parts as a single component.

At the end of the day, Ultra Librarian helps users save a large amount of time in symbol and footprint creation at the early stages of their design. This is really where the design idea begins to take shape and most of their time is focused on just getting all the logistics in place to move forward in the process. The time-saving aspect Ultra Librarian provides allows users to move much more quickly into the reality of the design fundamentals: engineering development, design integrity, electrical/mechanical compliance, ease of production and manufacturing, etc.

PCB designers have reported saving an average of 2-3 hours per component by eliminating the part creation process. IC manufacturers and component distributors also benefit from Ultra Librarian by increasing leads and customer acquisition. As a result, those utilizing Ultra Librarian are ahead of the competition. 

Ultra Librarian is the key to future success in the electronic design and manufacturer industries. Start searching today and beat your competitor to market on your next big project. 

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