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Features & Applications of Embedded Systems

 Exploring the features and applications of embedded systems

Topic: Features & Applications of Embedded Systems

Technological evolutions due to the use of embedded systems are being implemented in all phases of life. Today, finding a device, appliance, or vehicle that does not utilize a smart component, board, or electronic system for operation, monitoring, control, and human-machine interaction (HMI) is difficult. Therefore, engineers and PCBA designers must understand the features and applications of embedded systems to create designs that best use their advanced capabilities.

What is an Embedded System?

The best way to envision an embedded system is as an internal computer within a larger system. Like computers, embedded systems are composed of software, such as an operating system, applications, and hardware. Hardware includes a microprocessor or microcontroller, peripherals; such as memory, power supply, connectors and ports, and ASICs or circuits. What separates embedded systems from other computers are their features, as listed below.

Features of Embedded Systems

As these attributes indicate, embedded systems enable engineers and designers to incorporate scaled computing capabilities into their PCBA designs. This allows for implementation into virtually any product by limiting the implementation to only software and hardware that is essential for the intended application.

Common Applications of Embedded Systems

Applications of embedded systems. Image from ElProCus.

The figure above shows some common applications of embedded systems and is certainly not exhaustive. Yet it indicates just how widespread embedded systems usage is. Embedded systems are everywhere, from everyday commercial products like mobile phones and digital cameras to robotics and industrial processing to military and space platforms.

Embedded system applications can be segmented into the following four functionality types.

Functionality Types of Embedded System Applications

Performance capability or complexity is also used to classify embedded systems, as listed below.

Performance Types of Embedded System Applications

The breadth of applications of embedded systems means you will likely be called upon to design circuit boards that incorporate embedded system features. In order to achieve the best results, you should know and incorporate guidelines as discussed below.

Incorporating the Features of Embedded Systems Into Your PCBA Design

When developing boards and electronics that implement an embedded system, it is important to consider all factors that can influence system functionality, operation, and performance. This is not limited to best practices for your schematic capture, PCB layout, and manufacturability.

Guidelines for Embedded System PCBA Design

The importance of embedded systems cannot be overstated. These systems are leading the way for IoT, industrial 4.0, and the ever-increasing range of smart products we depend on. Therefore, it is essential that you understand how to best design boards and electronics that maximally leverage their features for the intended applications.

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