TPS56637RPAR Datasheet

The TPS56637RPAR synchronous buck converter from TI

TI’s TPS56637RPAR Synchronous buck converter

If one aspect of circuit operation had to be selected as the most important, effective power management would be the choice. In addition to essential passive components, like resistors and capacitors, today’s circuit board’s invariably include active components and integrated circuits (ICs). Many discrete parts, like amplifiers, come in integrated circuit or IC packages with specific power requirements that must be supplied for operational integrity of the circuit and/or PCB.

For circuit boards, AC to DC or DC to DC converters are typically implemented to ensure the electrical supply for components and packages satisfies demand. A common type of converter is the synchronous buck converter. One of the most implemented of this type of converter is the TPS56637RPAR from Texas Instruments, Inc.

TPS56637RPAR: Features and Applications

The TPS56637RPAR synchronous buck converter has a wide input operating range from 4.5 V to 28 V. This converter is a high efficiency device comprised of integrated MOSFETs. Notable features and common applications are listed below.


Important Features

Common Applications

Input range: 4.5 V to 28 V


Output range: 0.6 V to 13 V


Maximum continuous current of 6 A

Portable electronics

26 mΩ and 12 mΩ integrated MOSFETs

TVs, box-top devices

Switching frequency of 500 kHz

Electronic point-of-sale (POS) devices

Fast transient response

Motor drives

Undervoltage, overvoltage, overtemperature, and undervoltage lockout protections

Industrial automation

Small HotRod™ quad flat no-lead package

Factory control

As shown above, the TPS56637RPAR is a good general purpose converter that can be used in various applications.

TPS56637RPAR: Electrical and Thermal Information

Familiarity with device characteristics, as detailed in the TPS56637RPAR datasheet, is important for incorporating the converter into your design.

Constraints and Recommendations

Json is a name/value pair and can have ordered lists

Maximum ratings for the TPS56637RPAR

In addition to the constraints above, the manufacturer recommends complying with the following operational requirements.

Recommended operating ranges for the TPS56637RPAR


The following electrical and thermal parametric specifications should guide your PCB design with the TPS6637RPAR.

Electrical specifications for the TPS56637RPAR

TPS56637RPAR electrical specifications

Thermal specifications for the TPS56637RPAR

TPS56637RPAR thermal specifications

TPS56637RPAR: Architecture and Operation

The TPS56637RPAR datasheet also provides details about the converter’s layout and operation, which is essential for effective design and implementation.

Pinout and Descriptions

As shown below, the TPS56637RPAR comes efficiently packaged in a HotRod QFN to optimize thermal management and minimize board real estate usage. These efficient operation attributes are augmented by monitoring and control capabilities for voltage, current and temperature to prevent device malfunction.

Thermal specifications for the TPS56637RPAR

TPS56637RPAR pinout

Pin descriptions for the TPS6637RPAR

TPS56637RPAR pin descriptions

Diagram and Functionality

The function diagram for the device is shown below.

TPS5667RPAR functional block diagram

Functional block diagram of the TPS5667RPAR

The TPS5667RPAR is designed to provide reliable power control for connected loads with minimal external circuitry requirements. Additionally, seamless transition between high and low load operations.

TPS56637RPAR Operation Modes:

  • Normal Operation
    This is the typical operation mode for the converter. In this mode, the switching frequency is 500 kHz and continuous conduction occurs.
  • Light Load Operation
    For light load operational efficiency, forced continuous conduction mode (FCCM) is invoked by allowing pin 10 to float. Additionally, ECO-mode can be selected during which unnecessary internal functionality is turned off to aid in stability for light loads.
  • Standby
    When selected, all switching is suspended and the device current drops to the shutdown value of approximately 2 µA.

PCB Design With the TPS56637RPAR Datasheet

The TPS56637 datasheet is an invaluable resource for efficient and effective board design with this synchronous buck converter. In addition to design specifications, functionality, and operation, as discussed above, a suggested procedure for PCB layout design that should be integrated with general best practices, is included.

TPS56637RPAR Datasheet PCB Layout Design Paradigm

  1. Opt for a 4-layer architecture

  2. Make signal and ground traces as wide as possible

  3. Use two vias placed close to the input and ground pins

  4. Place both input and output capacitors as close to the component as feasible

  5. Use vias for input and output capacitors, as well

  6. Use short SW trace 

  7. Avoid switching current flowing underneath the component

  8. A dedicated VOUT to feedback resistor path should be provided

  9. Use a 4-wire Kelvin connection for the feedback path to the GND pin

  10. Switching trace and voltage feedback loop (preferably with a ground shield)  should be separated

  11. Keep VFB node trace short as possible

  12. Use a wide trace between GND pin and output capacitor

An example layout design (below) is also provided for guidance with your design.

PCB layout example for the TPS56637RPAR

Example layout for the TPS56637RPAR

Your ability to leverage the wealth of device information and design data given for the TPS56637RPAR rests on your choice of an accurate CAD model, as shown below.

Accurate TPS56637RPAR CAD model data from UL

TPS56637RPAR CAD models from Ultra Librarian

If you’re looking for CAD models for common components or important design information on how to best use the TPS56637RPAR datasheet, Ultra Librarian helps by compiling all your sourcing and CAD information in one place.

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Weyland Electronics Group Pte. Ltd.
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