The Best Electrical Engineering Memes

The best electrical engineering memes emanate from an engineering mindset

The engineering mindset

Electrical engineers are a special breed. They combine the knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and engineering guidelines with the creativity and ingenuity of an artist to design technological masterpieces. It is often said that these feats require an engineering mindset that is part nature and part nurture.

There are the detractors that claim engineers can be driven. So much so that they often neglect to do simple, helpful things like asking for directions or reading instructions. Perhaps, but engineers do have a sense of humor, which is evident by examining some of the best electrical engineering memes.

The Best Electrical Engineering Memes

1. The job is not done until the paperwork is done.

Reading assembly instructions is usually the last thing engineers do.

Reading assembly instructions is usually the last thing engineers do.

2. I am an engineer, I am good with math.

Who needs to spell when you can do Calculus?

Who needs to spell when you can do Calculus?

3. Routing differential traces.

Differential traces trying to mirror each other.

Differential traces trying to mirror each other.

4. Never believe an atom, they make up everything.

You can’t trust anything with wave-particle duality.

You can’t trust anything with wave-particle duality.

5. Too much current!

You have to watch your current intake.)

That is what happens when you don’t watch your electron inflow.

6. You are the BOM!

With a good BOM, you are tops with everybody in the development process.

Nothing beats a well-defined BOM.

Designing electrical and electronic devices and systems is challenging, yet extremely rewarding. This work is most enjoyable when you have the best software tools; such as a comprehensive, accurate library of component symbols, footprints, and 3D models, as the foundation for your design. Armed with your tools and the best electrical engineering memes, the world is your oyster!

In addition to being home to the best engineering memes on the internet, Ultra Librarian is the world’s largest source of CAD models for your PCB design. Check us out!

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