Integrated circuits (ICs) come in many variants and are available from many manufacturers. ICs with similar functions can look very different, while ICs with different functions can look similar. The internal structure and mechanical tolerances of ICs can also be quite varied, and choosing the wrong IC can be detrimental to an electronic design. Engineers and designers need a clear way to differentiate between ICs for their projects. IC manufacturer codes give designers this information, allowing them to be confident in their component choices.
What Are IC Manufacturer Codes?
IC manufacturer codes are identifying codes placed on integrated circuits by electronics manufacturers. They are usually alphanumeric and can have different lengths depending on a manufacturer’s standard operating procedures. Although IC manufacturer codes are meant to be unique, this is rarely the case.Â
Many electronics manufacturers use the same manufacturer prefixes, and multiple standards exist for codes, depending on the region of the world a company resides in. Knowing the proper code for a component is vital to selecting the right parts for a project and finding reference datasheets. Designers may need to be aware of multiple manufacturer code standards, especially if a company has international ties. Manufacturer codes encompass internal hardware identification and human-readable identifiers like component numbers.
Different IC coding standards provide varying amounts of detail concerning a component. Some IC manufacturer codes describe the materials a component is made of, while others contain serial numbers. Nearly all IC manufacturer codes describe a component’s type, such as a diode or transistor. Codes may also be specific with component subtypes, such as a signal diode or an avalanche diode. Depending on the coding scheme, two similar components may have significantly different codes. Manufacturers supplying international markets may also need to assign multiple codes to the same component, depending on the region and the expectations of their markets.
There are 3 major coding schemes for ICs. Each scheme originates from a different region of the world. Europe identifies electronic components with a coding scheme maintained by the European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association. This method of identifying ICs has been used in Europe in various forms since the 1930s. Japan also has its own scheme, called the Japanese Industrial Standards part numbering scheme, or JIS-C-7012. North America’s IC manufacturer code standards are maintained by the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council, or JEDEC, since 1944. This article focuses on the JEDEC standards when interpreting codes, but each region has published highly detailed standards.
How Can Engineers Interpret IC Manufacturer Codes?
JEDEC standards for internal hardware IC manufacturer codes mandate that each code must contain one or more eight-bit fields, translated into hex, for indexing and reference. The current standard provides for up to 13 fields. Companies must register their manufacturer codes with JEDEC to be compliant with their standards. The JEDEC standards are open-source and contain an extensive list of hex codes for various companies. Some companies have much more detailed internal hardware codes than others and those codes are constantly updated to reflect industry changes.
Naming conventions for JEDEC component numbers are based on a standard created in 1982 and reaffirmed multiple times in the ensuing years. Each individual digit and letter within a component number is significant. The first digit describes the component type, followed by a letter describing whether or not the component has been formally registered. All numbers after the first two follow a specific schema based on the type of component, and the number may also include letter suffixes identifying the component version.Â
The type of IC manufacturer code most commonly encountered is the manufacturer prefix, followed by a serial number. These are standardized only within a manufacturer, but still may be useful if a designer can be sure of their supplier options. It is relatively simple to use a component search engine to find JEDEC codes, and engineers should refer to curated coding standards rather than specific manufacturer codes whenever possible.

What Are Common IC Manufacturer Codes?
The following list of manufacturer prefixes is taken from WikiBooks. This is not an exhaustive list but it gives a good overview of the prefixes electronics designers will see most often. Since full IC manufacturer codes are specific to parts and companies, the most common codes in design change often.
Abbreviation | Manufacturer | Abbreviation | Manufacturer |
AM | Advanced Micro Devices | A | National Semiconductor |
AMSREF | Advanced Monolithic Systems | ADC | National Semiconductor |
OM | AEG | CLC | National Semiconductor |
PCD | AEG | COP | National Semiconductor |
PCF | AEG | DAC | National Semiconductor |
SAA | AEG | DM | National Semiconductor |
SAB | AEG | DP | National Semiconductor |
SAF | AEG | DS | National Semiconductor |
SCB | AEG | F | National Semiconductor |
SCN | AEG | L | National Semiconductor |
TAA | AEG | LF | National Semiconductor |
TBA | AEG | LFT | National Semiconductor |
TCA | AEG | LH | National Semiconductor |
TEA | AEG | LM | National Semiconductor |
A | Allegro Microsystems | LMC | National Semiconductor |
STR | Allegro Microsystems | LMD | National Semiconductor |
UCN | Allegro Microsystems | LMF | National Semiconductor |
UDN | Allegro Microsystems | LMX | National Semiconductor |
UDS | Allegro Microsystems | LPC | National Semiconductor |
UGN | Allegro Microsystems | LPC | National Semiconductor |
EP | Altera | MF | National Semiconductor |
EPM | Altera | MM | National Semiconductor |
PL | Altera | NH | National Semiconductor |
A | AMD | UNX | National Semiconductor |
Am | AMD | PB | NEC |
PAL | AMD | PD | NEC |
OM | Amperex | UPD | NEC |
PCD | Amperex | UPD8 | NEC |
PCF | Amperex | NJM | New Japanese Radio Corp. |
SAA | Amperex | NSC | Newport |
SAB | Amperex | SM | Nippon Precision Circuits |
SAF | Amperex | NC | Nitron |
SCB | Amperex | MM | Oki |
SCN | Amperex | MSM | Oki |
TAA | Amperex | MC | ON Semiconductor |
TBA | Amperex | EF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
TCA | Amperex | ET | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
TEA | Amperex | GSD | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
V | Amtel | HCF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
AD | Analog Devices | L | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ADEL | Analog Devices | LM | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ADG | Analog Devices | LS | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ADLH | Analog Devices | M | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ADM | Analog Devices | MC | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ADVFC | Analog Devices | MK | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
AMP | Analog Devices | OM | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
BUF | Analog Devices | PCD | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
CAV | Analog Devices | PCF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
CMP | Analog Devices | SAA | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
DAC | Analog Devices | SAB | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
HAS | Analog Devices | SAF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
HDM | Analog Devices | SCB | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
MUX | Analog Devices | SCN | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
OP | Analog Devices | SFC | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
PM | Analog Devices | SG | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
REF | Analog Devices | ST | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
SSM | Analog Devices | TAA | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
SW | Analog Devices | TBA | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
MA | Analog Systems | TCA | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
PA | Apex | TD | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
AT | Atmel | TDA | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ATV | Atmel | TDF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
BQ | Benchmarq Microelectronics Inc. | TEA | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
BT | Brooktree | TL | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ADS | Burr-Brown | TS | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ALD | Burr-Brown | TSH | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
BUF | Burr-Brown | UC | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
DAC | Burr-Brown | ULN | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
DCP | Burr-Brown | AVS | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)) |
INA | Burr-Brown | OHN | Optek |
IS | Burr-Brown | AH | Optical Electronics Inc. |
ISO | Burr-Brown | AN | Panasonic |
IVC | Burr-Brown | PDM | Paradigm |
MPC | Burr-Brown | P | Performance Semiconductor |
MPY | Burr-Brown | HEF | Philips |
OPA | Burr-Brown | MAB | Philips |
OPT | Burr-Brown | N | Philips |
PCM | Burr-Brown | NE | Philips |
PGA | Burr-Brown | OM | Philips |
PWR | Burr-Brown | PC | Philips |
RCV | Burr-Brown | PCD | Philips |
REF | Burr-Brown | PCF | Philips |
REG | Burr-Brown | PLC | Philips |
SHC | Burr-Brown | PLS | Philips |
UAF | Burr-Brown | PZ | Philips |
VCA | Burr-Brown | S | Philips |
VFC | Burr-Brown | SA | Philips |
XTR | Burr-Brown | SAA | Philips |
G | California Micro Devices Corp. | SAB | Philips |
CLC | Comlinear | SAF | Philips |
CY | Cypress | SC | Philips |
PALCE | Cypress | SCB | Philips |
DS | Dallas Semiconductor | SCC | Philips |
AM | Datel | SCN | Philips |
RD | EG&G Reticon | SE | Philips |
RF | EG&G Reticon | SP | Philips |
RM | EG&G Reticon | TAA | Philips |
RT | EG&G Reticon | TBA | Philips |
RU | EG&G Reticon | TCA | Philips |
EL | Elantec | TDA | Philips |
RTC | Epson | TEA | Philips |
PBL | Ericsson | UA | Philips |
SFC | ESMF | UMA | Philips |
XR | Exar | MN | Plessy |
A | Fairchild | SL | Plessy |
DM | Fairchild | SP | Plessy |
F | Fairchild | TAB | Plessy |
L | Fairchild | BUF | Precision Monolithic |
MM | Fairchild | QS | Quality Semiconductor Inc. |
NM | Fairchild | R | Raytheon |
NMC | Fairchild | Ray | Raytheon |
UNX | Fairchild | RC | Raytheon |
FSS | Ferranti | RM | Raytheon |
ZLD | Ferranti | R | Rockwell |
ZN | Ferranti | KA | Samsung |
MB | Fujitsu | KM | Samsung |
MBL8 | Fujitsu | KMM | Samsung |
MBM | Fujitsu | LA | Sanyo |
GA | Gazelle | LC | Sanyo |
GEL | GE | NQ | Seeq |
MVA | GEC-Plessey Semiconductor | PQ | Seeq |
ZN | GEC-Plessey Semiconductor | RTC | Seiko |
ACF | General Instrument | IR | Sharp |
AY | General Instrument | OM | Siemens |
GIC | General Instrument | PCD | Siemens |
GP | General Instrument | PCF | Siemens |
SPR | General Instrument | SAA | Siemens |
GL | Goldstar | SAB | Siemens |
GM | Goldstar | SABE | Siemens |
GMM | Goldstar | SAF | Siemens |
AD | Harris | SCB | Siemens |
CA | Harris | SCN | Siemens |
CD | Harris | TAA | Siemens |
CDP | Harris | TBA | Siemens |
CP | Harris | TCA | Siemens |
H | Harris | TEA | Siemens |
HA | Harris | SG | Silicon General (Infinity Micro) |
HFA | Harris | PH | Silicon Storage Technology |
HI | Harris | DF | Siliconix |
HIN | Harris | L | Siliconix |
HIP | Harris | LD | Siliconix |
HV | Harris | D | Siliconix, Intel |
ICH | Harris | L | Siltronics |
ICL | Harris | LD | Siltronics |
ICM | Harris | BX | Sony |
IM | Harris | CXK | Sony |
CS | Harris, Cherry Semiconductor | CX | Sony, Cyrix |
DG | Harris, Temic | TPQ | Sprague |
HCPL | Hewlett-Packard | UCS | Sprague |
HCTL | Hewlett-Packard | COM | Standard Microsystem Corp. |
HPM | Hewlett-Packard | KR | Standard Microsystem Corp. |
HA | Hitachi | ST | Startech |
HD | Hitachi | CM | Supertex, Temic |
HG | Hitachi | SYD | Syntaq |
HL | Hitachi | SYS | Syntaq |
HM | Hitachi | TMC | Taytheon |
HN | Hitachi | TC | Telcom Semiconductor |
HT | Holtek | TCM | Telcom Semiconductor |
HAD | Honeywell | TP | Teledyne Philbrick |
HDAC | Honeywell | TSC | Teledyne Semiconductor |
SS | Honeywell | OM | Telefunken |
HY | Hyundai | PCD | Telefunken |
W | IC Works | PCF | Telefunken |
PEEL | Information Chips and Technology Inc. | SAA | Telefunken |
ISD | Information Strorage Devices | SAB | Telefunken |
IMS | Inmos | SAF | Telefunken |
IDT | Integrated Device Technology | SCB | Telefunken |
IS | Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc. | SCN | Telefunken |
C | Intel | TAA | Telefunken |
i | Intel | TBA | Telefunken |
I | Intel | TCA | Telefunken |
N | Intel | TEA | Telefunken |
P | Intel | TML | Telmos |
PA | Intel | HM | Temic |
IR | International Rectifier | MC | Temic |
ITT | ITT | P | Temic |
GAL | Lattice | S | Temic |
ISPLSI | Lattice | SD | Temic |
LT | Linear Technology Corporation | SI | Temic |
LTC | Linear Technology Corporation | U | Temic |
LTZ | Linear Technology Corporation | IP | Temic, Seagate Microelectronics |
LS | LSI Computer Systems | MA | TESLA |
ATT | Lucent Technologies | MAA | TESLA |
MSK | M. S. Kennedy | MH | TESLA |
MX | Macronix | MHB | TESLA |
MA | Marconi | MC | Texas Instruments |
MAX | Maxim | NE | Texas Instruments |
MX | Maxim | OP | Texas Instruments |
SI | Maxim | RC | Texas Instruments |
MC | Micra Hybrids | SG | Texas Instruments |
MIC | Micrel | SN | Texas Instruments |
ML | Micro Linear Corp. | TIBPAL | Texas Instruments |
MN | Micro Networks | TIL | Texas Instruments |
MP | Micro Power (Exar) | TIP | Texas Instruments |
PIC | Microchip | TIPAL | Texas Instruments |
MSC | Microcomputers Systems Components | TIS | Texas Instruments |
MIL | Microsystems International | TL | Texas Instruments |
MT | Mitel Semiconductor | TLC | Texas Instruments |
M | Mitsubishi | TLE | Texas Instruments |
MSL8 | Mitsubishi | TM | Texas Instruments |
CMP | Monolithics | TMS | Texas Instruments |
MAT | Monolithics | UA | Texas Instruments |
OP | Monolithics | ULN | Texas Instruments |
SSS | Monolithics | T | Toshiba |
MCS | MOS Technology | TA | Toshiba |
MK | Mostek | TC | Toshiba |
HEP | Motorola | TD | Toshiba |
LF | Motorola | THM | Toshiba |
MC | Motorola | TMM | Toshiba |
MCC | Motorola | TMP | Toshiba |
MCCS | Motorola | TMPZ | Toshiba |
MCM | Motorola | TDC | TRW |
MCT | Motorola | UM | United Microelectronics Corp. |
MEC | Motorola | L | Unitrode |
MM | Motorola | UC | Unitrode |
MPF | Motorola | UCC | Unitrode |
MPQ | Motorola | ULN | US Microchip |
MPS | Motorola | MACH | Vantis (AMD) |
MPSA | Motorola | PALCE | Vantis (AMD) |
MWM | Motorola | VT | VLSI Technology Inc. |
SG | Motorola | VA | VTC |
SN | Motorola | VC | VTC |
TDA | Motorola | PSD | Waferscale Integration inc. (WSI) |
TL | Motorola | WD | Western Digital |
UA | Motorola | X | Xicor |
UAA | Motorola | U | Zentrum Microelectronics |
UC | Motorola | UD | Zentrum Microelectronics |
ULN | Motorola | ZH | Zetex |
XC | Motorola | ZLDO | Zetex |
ZM | Zetex | ||
ZMR | Zetex | ||
ZR | Zetex | ||
ZRA | Zetex | ||
ZRB | Zetex | ||
ZREF | Zetex | ||
ZRT | Zetex | ||
ZSD | Zetex | ||
ZSM | Zetex | ||
Z | Zilog |
Ultra Librarian uses verified IC manufacturer codes to help designers unambiguously identify the components they need. Working with Ultra Librarian takes the guesswork out of preparing for your next great device, and puts your ideas on the road to success. Register today for free!