Find engineers early in their design journey
Turn unknown engineers into loyal customers
Monitor increasing design-ins with your personal dashboard
Customers spend hours or even days creating CAD data every time they add a new component to a design. This takes away from their design focus, yet they cannot design-in without your part data.
Ultra Librarian® provides a unique CAD neutral methodology to building libraries where a single set of libraries can be targeted to your customer’s CAD tool of choice as they need them. This eliminates the tedious task of maintaining parts and changes in-house while continuing to provide your customers with the latest parts and accelerate their path to production.
Through publishing CAD Models and Enhanced Design Content on Ultra Librarian, your content is syndicated to top distributors, marketing outlets, CAD tools, and everywhere your customers are searching for your parts.
Gain the exposure of the entire Ultra Librarian Network through CAD Model creation & hosting services.
Improve visibility and keep engineers engaged throughout the entire design process.
Expand your reach to our large network of engineers looking for components as they design.
Provide a list of your part numbers and datasheets and we handle the rest. Finished CAD neutral libraries will be available on Ultra Librarian and our partner sites for download. We work with you to make sure libraries are accurate and up to your standards before initial publishing.
We have several solutions to keep your libraries up-to-date and reflect market demand. Keep your libraries in sync with your current component list and product launches.
Keep customers on your site through our hosting services. We offer several different ways to integrate the components we build for you into your website from completely native integrations to more simplified landing page options.
Show off your components in action and help users kickstart their designs with your IP. Our Intelligent Reference Designs are available in multiple CAD formats through bulk creation or by customer request.
Highlight new products and services through our many on-site advertising options including banner ads, partner panels, and keyword targeted native ads.
Reach the Ultra Librarian audience interested in your components anytime or anywhere through our off-site options. Nurture prospects and turn them into loyal customers.